How to Fix iTunes Error 3194 on a Mac – This device isn’t eligible for the requested build

This video will show you how to Fix iTunes Error 3194 on a Mac – This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.

Hi All
Earlier I created a video on how to Fix iTunes Error 3194 while using Windows. This video will show you how to fix the same error on a Mac.
You will need to open up Terminal in Finder and type the following command.
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Press Return and Enter your password.
Once you have typed your admin password you will see all the entry’s in the hosts file.

Mac Terminal Hosts file

Now Apple says, look for an entry containing “”.
The next step I delete any entry back to the local file which essentially sets the hosts file back to defaults.
However Apple says, Add the # symbol and a space (“# “) to the beginning of the entry.

You can save the file by pressing Control-O. Hit Enter when prompted for the filename and Control-X which will allow you to exit the editor.
Restart your Mac and you should be good to go.

Good luck guys.

How to Fix iTunes Error 3194 in Windows

This video will show you how to Fix iTunes Error 3194 in Windows.

Hi All
I found this iTunes error 3194 increasingly frustrating. I was about to start trying to do a Ragebreak Jailbreak on my iPhone 4 and this iTunes Error 3194 kept on coming up over and over again.

The error is caused by routing issues from having incorrect information in the local hosts file on your Windows PC.

You can find the hosts file in the following locations.

Microsoft Windows
NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 2012 and 8 %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Windows Mobile, Windows Phone Registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Hosts
Apple Macintosh 9 and earlier Preferences or System folder
Mac OS X 10.0 – 10.1.5 (Added through NetInfo or niload)
Mac OS X 10.2 and newer /etc/hosts (a symbolic link to /private/etc/hosts)

How to Replace a Keyboard on Toshiba Laptop L300

This video will show you how to Replace a Keyboard on Toshiba Laptop L300.

Hi All
My sister twin 3 year old boys had pulled all the keys off her Toshiba L300 laptop and I was lumped with the task of repairing it for her.
For $39.95 I was able to buy a new Keyboard off eBay and replace it for her so its a fully working laptop again. Just in time for Christmas hey ? 🙂
Watch the video above for steps on how to replace a Toshiba L300 notebook Keyboard.

How to replace a faulty power supply on a Cisco 3560G switch.

This video will show you How to replace a faulty power supply on a Cisco 3560G switch.
Step 1. Remove Side Screws.
Step 2. Remove bracket screws.
Step 3. Remove the screws at the back of the switch.
Step 4. Slide the top of the switch off from the back.
Step 5. Unplug all the power cables from the power supply of the switch.
Step 6. Unscrew the 4 screws either side of the power supply.
Step 7. Slide the power supply out of the switch and replace the power supply as needed.

Microsoft Store