This video will show you how to install eBay App on an iPhone 3G.
To follow this video and install the eBay app you need to have the Whited00r 6 firmware installed. This will wipe any data you have on your iPhone however you will have access to working Apps like eBay.
You can find the Whited00r 6 firmware video here.
Make sure you backup your data on your iPhone, you can see the video on how to do this here.
Step 1. Make sure the Whited00r 6 Firmware is installed.
Step 2. Tap the App Market icon and then scroll across to the Time Machine.
Step 3. Scroll down and tap on Lifestyle. Then tap the eBay app and you will have to scroll back to the top of the Lifestyle app and then tap on ok to download it.
The eBay app will the download and install on your iPhone and you are good to go.
This video will show you How to Create an iCloud Account on an iPhone, iPad or iPod.
Hi All
So I wanted to do a tutorial on how to find a lost iPhone, however to do this you first of all need an iCloud account.
First port of call needs to be how to setup an iCloud account on an iOS device.
What is this iCloud I speak of? Well it is a backup service that allows you to save all your music photos and files to Apple’s servers and sync those files to all of your devices via the internet. This is what they call cloud computing and in Apple terms iCloud.
Step 1. Make sure you update your iPhone, iPad or iPod. You can do this in Settings, General, Software Update.
Step 2. Turn on iCloud. When you get a brand new iOS device, at the very start when you are setting up the device it asks you do you want to Set Up iCloud. There is a skip button which will allow you to skip this part. If so you will need to setup iCloud by going into the Settings icon on the Home screen, select iCloud and you will be prompted for your Apple ID. This is the same ID you use for iTunes. Otherwise you can just log into iCloud and use your Apple ID.
Step 3. Once you are logged into iCloud your can Customise your settings. Tap the Settings icon and go into iCloud and then you can toggle on and off any services you want or don’t want to sync with iCloud.
Step 4. If you want to you can turn on Mail and get a free iCloud email account. Its apparently ad-free. However its just another option. Pretty sure most users out there already have a free email account and don’t need ANOTHER email account haha.
Step 5. Setup your iCloud to automatic download your music, apps and books. To do this go into Settings and select iTunes & Apps Stores. Toggle on your music, apps and books.
Step 6. Turn iCloud on all of your other devices so you can get access to your files anywhere.
Stay tuned for the next video will with show you how to find your iPhone when it goes missing.
Hi All
In the future I am going to do some App reviews on some of the really popular Apps like Viber and Whatsapp, but to do so I needed to buy them within iTunes so this meant I had to purchase an iTunes card and learn how to redeem it.
The video above will show you how redeem your iTunes gift card that you were given at Christmas or at work your leaving do. 😉
Other wise you can read the steps below.
Step 1. Open up iTunes and login with your Apple ID and password. If you don’t have an iTunes account you can click on the Create Apple ID button to set one up.
Step 2. Once you are logged into iTunes, click on your Apple ID and select Redeem. This will then forward you to the Apple Redeem Gift screen
Step 3. Scratch the security sticker off the back of your card and enter the code into the code field and your done.
If you want to redeem the gift card on your iPhone, iPod or iPad then go into your App Store, click on the Featured Tab and scroll to the bottom of the store.
Hi Guys, I have finished a video which shows you how to restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod using iTunes. The aim of this video is to help you restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod back to factory settings when the device stops working or if you are trying a custom firmware and it doesn’t work properly on your device. Simply follow this video to get out of trouble free. 🙂
Hi All,
So I have created a video which shows you how to backup your iPhone, iPad or iPod using iTunes. This is really handy to do so you don’t lose all your data when you are making changes to your device.
I recommend everyone have a quick look at this video to understand why its important to backup all of your important information on your device.
If you have some problems with your iPhone iPod or iPad and you need to restore your device a restore will erase all of your important data on the device. So doing a backup before hand will keep your important data safe.
iTunes will back up the following information for you.
* Contacts.
* Apps.
* Application settings.
* Calendar accounts.
* Calendar accounts.
* Call history.
Hi All, so I have had loads of people ask me how do I get this app which is no longer supported by the Apple firmware installed on my I device?
Well so far I have done some tutorials on how to add Facebook App and Facebook Messenger App to my your iPhone, but the list of apps is endless and I could go on forever trying to get them all working.
But I have found there is away to get allot of the current apps on your old device by using Whited00r. What is Whited00r I hear you ask?
Whited00r is custom IOS firmware that has been tweaked to allow you to do many awesome things like runs apps that no longer have support on the official Apple firmware. There is also other benefit’s like a speed boost to your phone and added functionality with a Siri like voice activated service.
This video will step you through how to install Whited00r and all the apps you have been dreaming of.
Before installing Whited00r please backup your I device data by following my video here.
Also if you get into trouble or you don’t like Whited00r 6 please follow this restore video here.
You can restore a copy of iPhone firmware by watching this video here. And the Mac version is here.
If at any stage you have problems with jailbreak or the tutorials on the 123 my IT website you can use the original firmware’s from Apple to restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod back to factory settings.
NOTE:If you have an unlocked iPhone 3G, you should not try to restore the firmware on your iPhone as you might risk changing your baseband.
How do I restore my firmware to factory settings?
All you need to do to restore your firmware is open iTunes on your device and click on Restore while holding ALT in the “MacOS” or SHIFT in “Windows” and at the same time go in a select the firmware that you want to restore to your iOS device.
NOTE:If your browser changes the .ipsw file into a .zip file then simply rename it back to a .ipsw file and iTunes will accept it.
A step by step guide on how to Jailbreak your iPhone 3G using Windows 7 and Redsn0w. If you you dont have any luck doing the jailbreak you can always restore your iPhone from iTunes. Download Redsn0w from our downloads page.
So I made this video to help others Jailbreak their iPhones. Because about one year ago I tried to jailbreak my iPhone unsuccessfully.
What is this jailbreak I speak of? Well if you think of the term jailbreak you imagine a prisoner escaping from jail. Well that is essentially what you are doing with your iPhone you are breaking it out of jail and relaxing all the restrictions that Apple has placed on the iPhone. If you want to learn more about what is the difference between jailbreak and unlock you can read my article on it here. Jail breaking allows you to install Apps and configure your iPhone that would otherwise be locked down by Apple’s default settings. A good example of a great Apo that will install on a jail broken iPhone is Veency and you can see my video here.
Before attempting any funny business with your iPhone or iOS device, you should always do a backup in iTunes and you can find the video on how to here. Once you have backed up your iPhone and you are happy that all your data is safe you are ready to Jailbreak it.
Step 1. Go into your setting menu, general and turn off Auto-lock and Passcode Lock. Make sure both these settings are off as they may interfere with the jailbreak. Step 2. Scroll up and go into About, and make a note of the firmware version. Step 3. Download redsn0w from our downloads section here. There is a Windows and Mac version that you can download. Step 4. Install redsn0w and run the application. Plug in your iPhone to the USB port and make sure the driver for the iPhone installs correctly. If it doesn’t try restarting your PC or Mac with your iPhone plugged into the USB port. This will normally resolve driver issues, because the driver detects the iPhone and installs the driver on start up. Step 5. Make sure you iPhone is turned off and still plugged in. Step 6. Ok you need to now put your iPhone in DFU mode. To do this you need to Hold down the power button for 3 seconds. Without releasing the Power button, also hold down the Home (bottom center)button for 10 seconds. Without releasing the Home button, release the Power button, BUT KEEP holding the Home button for 15 seconds. Step 7. In the redsn0w program it should say waiting for reboot. And on your iPhone will say downloading jailbreak data. Once redsn0w says done you can actually disconnect the USB cable from your iPhone and it will continue to install. Step 8. The iPhone should reboot and once it does this you can login and scroll across to your Apps and you should see a brown Cydia App. If you have this then you have been successful in jail breaking your iPhone.
One last thing I should mention, the jailbreak process does not always go smoothly. The most annoying error is USB communication error. You can see my video on how to fix this error here.