What Crypto Coin to mine?
If you are new at Mining this video will give you some help choosing a coin and help you to get started in the world of Crypto coin.
I get allot of people on the 123myit YouTube channel asking me about what coins are good coins to mine. Really you should always do your own research and make up your own mind on what coin is right for you. But in this video I go through a few tips to help people gain some knowledge about the coins and hopefully make some great investment choices.
This video assumes you have built a mining rig and you are ready to start mining coins for a profit.
I personally use the website www.cryptocompare.com for allot of my information about the Crypto Coin. And this website is a really good place to start getting familiar with Crypto coins.
I started out mining Bitcoin via Nicehash miner but more recently I have switches from Nicehash to mining Ethereum via a pool called Nanopool. Check out the Nanopool and claymore miner setup video here.
I also talk about Electroneum (ETN) coin, which will be available to mine on Android phone.
This coin has been as cheap as 3 cents USD!!! This coin is a bargin in my mind if the developers can get it working it will be very interesting and I think well worth at least a small amount of investing at the very least install the app and setup the wallet and get it ready for when you can start mining Electroneum ETN with your android phone. You can also earn free coins or refer friends through the Earn FREE coins menu inside the Electroneum ETN wallet. If you want to refer me my code is C2C4DD shameless plug Thanks for your support.
Hopefully trying to get as many videos up as I can I have loads to show you guys but its just getting the time and effort to make these things happen.
Good luck I hope this info helps.