How to install Windows 7 on an Apple Mac running bootcamp.

This video is a step by step guide on how to install Windows 7 on an Apple Mac Book Pro running OSX and bootcamp.

1. Log into your Macbook Pro.
2. Open up finder and in the spotlight bar type: bootcamp.
3. Select bootcamp from the menu.
4. On the introduction screen click continue.
5. Make sure that the download the latest support software from Apple option is ticked. If you already have a Windows partition installed you will have an option called Remove Windows 7. If you dont already have Windows installed you will have an option called Install Windows 7. Make sure you tick install Windows 7.
6. Have your 1GB USB key handy to download the Windows Support Software from Apple.
7. Now you can choose to save a copy of the Windows support software to DVD or USB. I prefer USB.
8. Select save a copy to an external drive. You can run this software after Windows have been installed.
9. The Windows support software will download to the USB.
10. At the create a partition for Windows screen you can make the partition as big as you want. However press divide equally so you will have a shared amount of space on both drives.
11. In-cert your Windows 7 DVD and click install.
12. Boot camp will start to Partition the drive.
13. Your Macbook will restart.
14. Windows is loading files screen.
15. At the Windows 7 install screen select your Language, time and currency format and Keyboard and input methods. Click next.
16. Click install now.
17. Accept the licence terms and agreements and click next.
18. Click on custom menu.
19. Select your bootcamp partition and click drive options. Hit Delete then click Ok.
20. Select the partition again and click on New, Apply and Next. And Vista will start to install.
21. The Mac will restart.
22. Setup your new Windows 7 profile and you are done.

How to install Windows Vista on an Apple Mac running bootcamp.

This video is a step by step guide on how to install Windows Vista on an Apple Mac Book Pro running OSX and bootcamp.

1. Log into your Macbook Pro.
2. Open up finder and in the spotlight bar type: bootcamp.
3. Select bootcamp from the menu.
4. On the introduction screen click continue.
5. Make sure that the download the latest support software from Apple option is ticked. If you already have a Windows partition installed you will have an option called Remove Windows 7. If you dont already have Windows installed you will have an option called Install Windows 7. Make sure you tick install Windows 7.
6. Have your 1GB USB key handy to download the Windows Support Software from Apple.
7. Now you can choose to save a copy of the Windows support software to DVD or USB. I prefer USB.
8. Select save a copy to an external drive. You can run this software after Windows have been installed.
9. The Windows support software will download to the USB.
10. At the create a partition for Windows screen you can make the partition as big as you want. However press divide equally so you will have a shared amount of space on both drives.
11. In-cert your Windows Vista DVD and click install.
12. Boot camp will start to Partition the drive.
13. Your Macbook will restart.
14. Windows is loading files screen.
15. At the Windows Vista install screen select your Language, time and currency format and Keyboard and input methods. Click next.
16. Click install now.
17. Enter your serial key and click next.
18. Select your version of Vista that you want to install and tick the terms and agreements and click next.
19. Click on custom menu.
20. Select your bootcamp partition and click drive options. Hit Delete then click Ok.
21. Select the partition again and click on New, Apply and Next. And Vista will start to install.
22. The Mac will restart.
23. Setup your new Windows Vista profile and you are done.

How to set Google or Hotmail as your home page in Internet Explorer 9.

This video is a tutorial on how to set a home page in internet explorer 9. This video has examples of both Google home page and Hotmail home page.

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click on Tools icon.
3. Click on Internet Options.
4. Change your home page under the home page tab.

How to install Windows Movie Maker Live without extra bundled software.

The video is a tutorial on how to install Windows Movie Maker Live Without the extra bundled software.
1. Search for Windows Movie maker on
2. Click on the download now link.
3. Click on run.
4. Choose the programs you want to install.
5. Untick everything, but leave Movie Maker ticked.

How to stop auto zoom when using Microsoft Lifecam / webcam.

This video is a tutorial on how to stop your Microsoft LifeCam webcam from auto zooming.
Auto zooming can be really annoying when you are trying to record a video and the webcam keeps focusing in and out.

How to install Windows 8 on a Mac running bootcamp step by step guide.

If my video helps in some way please like it. 🙂
This is a tutorial on how to install windows 8 on a macbook pro running boot camp.
I started adding tutorial’s because some of the tutorial’s on youtube were not comprehensive and helpful enough.