This video will show you how to open a iPhone ipsw firmware file with Internet Explorer.
You can find a complete list of Apple iPhone firmware downloads here.
This video will show you how to open a iPhone ipsw firmware file with Internet Explorer.
You can find a complete list of Apple iPhone firmware downloads here.
Hi Guys
I have added a new iPhone firmware direct links page that should come in handy for those looking to use the original firmware on your iPhones. The links to the firmware are all direct links to Apple so you can be sure the firmware is legit.
You can find the page under the iPhone menu at the top of the page or you can find the page in the link below.
Hope it helps. 🙂
NOTE: If you have bricked the following models you can find the article on how to fix them here.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus, GT-I9250, GT-I9100G, GT-I9300 and S3 GT-I9300
This video will show you how to get a Samsung Galaxy S phone out of black screen of death. The black screen of death can display in two forms. One a as a black screen with a little mobile phone ! and computer on it and the other as just a black screen with no light or anything on it.
At any rate the way to tell if you phone is totally broken is to first of all make sure you have enough battery.
To do this remove the back cover of your phone and reseat the battery so that you are sure the phone is getting power and that the battery has not just gone flat for because the contacts are not touching correctly. Then charge your phone and leaving it charging for a few hours.
If that doesn’t work, the next step is to try removing the sim card and storage cards remove the battery and leave them out for about 5 seconds. Replace only the battery and charge it again. If you still have no luck here but you are sure the battery is charging there is a way to test that its still alive.
If you are using Windows, Go to the start menu and right click Computer and open Device Manager, and plug your phone out of the USB port and plug it back in. If the device manager makes a noise or moves as if its installing a driver the chances are the device is still working.
Try putting your phone into Download mode by holding down Power, Home and the Volume down buttons. Hold these buttons down until you see the following screen.
Once you have it in download mode there is a good change you can reload the firmware. To do this you can following my video here.
If you want to know how to root the Samsung see the video here.
How to put a Samsung Galaxy S into download mode here.
This video will show you how to put Samsung Galaxy S phone into Download Mode.
This video will show you how to root a Samsung Galaxy S phone.
Step 1.Download and install the XXJVU firmware, the check what type of firmware you already have on your phone go to Settings and About Phone. If you want to know how to do this you can see the 123 my IT tutorial here.
Step 2.Download the from our downloads section here.
Step 3.Extract the and you will have the CF-Root-XX_OXA_JVU_2.3.6-v4.3-CWM3RFS.tar file.
Step 4.Download and run Odin software you can download it from our download page here.
Step 5. Turn off your mobile phone and wait 5 seconds for it to vibrate to make sure it is completely off.
Step 6.Put the Galaxy S in download mode by holding down the Volume Down plus Home Plus Power buttons all at the same time.
Step 7.In the Odin software select the PDA tab and then select the extracted CF-Root-XX_OXA_JVU_2.3.6-v4.3-CWM3RFS.tar file.
Step 8. Make sure you do not select the “Re-Partition” checkbox as this will brick your phone. Make sure that the “Auto Reboot” and “F. Reset Time” checkboxes are ticked.
Step 9.Click the start button in Odin to start the flash of the CF Root File.
Step 10.The phone should restart automatically when the CF Root file is installed. When Odin displays the Pass in green you can unplug the phone from the USB cable.
Step 11.Your phone should now be rooted ad you should see the CWM app and clockworkmod based recovery is installed.
Once this is done your Samsung Galaxy S should be rooted ! 🙂
Good Luck
This video will show you how to upgrade the firmware 2.3.6 on a Samsung Galaxy S.
WARNING: Make sure you back up your Phone before proceeding!!!!
All the data on your phone will be deleted when you do this upgrade so please make sure you take the time to backup your data.
* Backup any photos and images that you have on the phone.
* Backup your contacts list, SMS and emails.
* Backup your music and video.
* Backup your APPS and phone settings
* Backup your bookmarks and stored pages.
* Backup all your data on your SD card.
Prepare your PC and Phone for the upgrade.
* Plug your Samsung phone into your Pc and make sure that the phone drivers install correctly. You should be able to browse to the phone in explorer.
Step 1. Download the firmware and pit file from our download site here.
The firmware filename is
Its quite a large file the size is 225.9 MB, so be prepared to take some time to download.
The file password is:
Step 2. Extract the downloaded
You should extract the following files.
* CODE_I9000XXJVU_CL851880_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.md5
* GT-I9000-CSC-MULTI-OXAJVU.tar.md5
* MODEM_I9000XXJVU_REV_00_CL1059471.tar.md5
* s1_odin_20100512.pit
Step 3. Download and extract the Odin3 v1.7.exe file from our downloads section here.
Step 4. Put your phone into “Download Mode” by holding down the Volume down button + the Home button + the Power button.
Step 5. Start the Odin3 v1.7.exe and connect your phone to the PC. The Odin application should say the message “Added!” If it doesn’t say added then you will have an issue with the drivers and your should reboot your PC with the phone still plugged in and repeat this step.
Step 6.Once Odin has started and you have your phone Added. Select the files that you extracted in step 2.
They should all be loaded in the following order.
* Select the “PDA Tab”, and select “CODE_I9000XXJVU_CL851880_REV03_user_low_ship.tar.md5”
* Select the “Phone Tab”, and select “MODEM_I9000XXJVU_REV_00_CL1092175.tar.md5”
* Select the “CSC Tab”, and select “GT-I9000-CSC-MULTI-OXAJVU.tar.md5”
* Select the “PIT Tab”, and select “s1_odin_20100512.pit”
Step 7.Make sure that you select the Re-Partition, Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time checkbox within Odin.
Step 8.Click the start button to kick off the flashing process.The phone will reboot when it finishes and Odin should give a green PASS message.
When the phone restarts you should be running the new Android, v2.3.6 XXJVU firmware.