Transfer data Oppo to iPhone 2019

Hi Guys, Welcome to 123. In this video we will show you how to transfer data from your OPPO to iPhone in 2019.
Ok guys to transfer data from your Oppo phone to iPhone we are going to use an app called Move to iOS.

Oppo to iPhone – What will transfer?

The move to iOS app will try to transfer the following data for you.

  • Contacts
  • Mail accounts,
  • Message history,
  • Calendars,
  • Camera photos
  • videos
  • Web bookmarks
  • Free apps.

To start the transfer you will need to reset your iPhone. You can do this by going into Settings > General and Reset menu.
If you don’t want to reset your iPhone you will need to manually copy the data across. I will do a video on this later so hit the subscribe button.

Reset and Connect

Once you are in the Reset menu tap on Erase All content and Settings. And then tap the erase iPhone button twice. Once you have doen this the iPhone will reset itself back to factory defaults. Making it the same as brand new iPhone.
Follow the prompts like you would setting up your iPhone for the first time.
Go ahead and add your iPhone to your wifi. Make sure its the same wifi that you Oppo phone is connected too.

Keep going through the prompts until you get to Apps and Data. Once you get to Apps and Data, tap on Move Data from Android. And tap continue. Next up you will need to download the Move to iOS app from the Google play store.

Oppo to iPhone apps and data
Apps & Data screen

I have already downloaded the Move to iOS app, so I just press open.
On your Oppo phone press continue and then Agree. Hit next up the top and then enter the code that is displayed on your iPhone.

You should then see a Data Transfer screen. Select the data you want to copy from your Oppo phone to your iPhone and tap next.

Fix Could not communicate with the device Move to iOS

If you get the Could not communicate with the device Move to iOS message, click the link to help you get past that error.
Once the transfers complete just tap Done on your Oppo phone.
Go ahead now and continue setting up your iPhone.

This last part of the setup will add the free apps to your iPhone. So go ahead and enter your Apple ID. After entering in your Apple ID, tap Agree and then the Apps will start to install.

Check your iPhone and all your data should have copied across. If you are missing something check the 123myIT future videos for Manually copying your data to iPhone. I will put links in this video description.
Also don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Fix the Could not communicate with the device error and do me a favor hit subscribe and smash the bell icon.

Gaming PC Settings – Nvidia Control Panel

iPhone Battery Drain – Is your iPhone letting you down?

Setup Bedtime on iPhone

Fix Could not communicate with the device Move to iOS

If you are getting the error Could not communicate with the device when using the Move to iOS app. This video can help. If you have a new iPhone like the iPhone 11 and you are transfering your data via the move to iOS app. You might get the Could not communicate the with device. here’s how you can fix it.

Could not communicate – Move to IOS

If you not familiar with the move to iOS app don’t worry I will have two new videos coming out shortly so keep checking this website, or subscribe on our YouTube page for updates. So here I will show you that I am trying to transfer data from Android to iPhone and I am getting the Could not communicate with the device error.

You will need to connect the Android phone to the iPhone manually. To do this go into the WIFI settings and find the iPhone WIFI. The iPhone WIFI will come up as iOS and then a random number, tap on that to connect to it.

Could not communicate
Connecting the Android phone to the iPhone WIFI

Enter the iPhone WIFI password

Next enter the WIFI name as the WIFI password. Make sure you use upper and lower case. When you are done double check you have entered it right and hit connect. On the next screen make sure you are connected to the iPhone WIFI and restart the Move to iOS apps on both phones.

Next up on your Android phone enter the code that is displayed on your iPhone.
There you go now the Could not communicate with the device error is gone and your phones have moved to the next step Data Transfer.

Simply untick and data you dont want to transfer and hit next.
Hit Done on your Android phone. And now just continue along with the Move to iOS prompts to setup your new iPhone. Thats it you have now got past the Could not communicate with the device error.

Also Guys dont to check out my other videos like iPhone battery drain and do me a favor hit the Subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Gaming PC Settings – Nvidia Control Panel

iPhone Battery Drain – Is your iPhone letting you down?

Setup Bedtime on iPhone

Gaming PC Settings – Nvidia Control Panel

Use the Nvidia control panel to increase performance of your games.

Nvidia Control Panel – What can it fix?

If you are having issues with your Gaming Pc such as Low Frame rates
Game lag or Game Stuttering, then this video should help. By following this video and optimizing the Nvidia control panel you can do the following.

  • Increase your Frames rates.
  • Fix Game Stuttering
  • Increase power
  • Optimise Nvidia GPU
  • Best colour settings and brightness for games
  • Smooth out your gameplay

As mentioned this video is for Nvidia GPU, If you have an AMD GPU I plan to do video for AMD as well so make sure you hit the subscribe button.

Nvidia Control Panel – Config

Alright first step is to open your Nvidia control panel. You can do this by right clicking the Desktop and selecting Nvidia control panel.
If you cant find it there try looking in the bottom right hand corner of your screen near the time. If you still cant find it, check what GPU you have installed by right clicking the start button and selecting Device Manager.
Under Display adapters you can check what Nvidia GPU you have and download the driver for it.

Download your GPU drivers –

Head over to and download your driver or you can download the GeForce Experience software and I will leave links to those pages in the description below.

In the Nvidia control panel go to Adjust image settings with preview. Click on use 3D image settings and click Apply.
Next up click on Manage 3D settings and make sure you are on the Global Settings Tab. These settings will apply globally you can change these at any time or click restore if you want to set settings back to defaults.

  • Set Ambient Occlusion to Off
  • Anisotropic filtering to Off
  • Antialiasing to Off
  • Leave Gamma correction On
  • Antialiasing – Mode Off

Antialiasing on or off?

Don’t worry you can still turn Antialiasing on in Game. Also if the options aren’t the same as this video just change the options that are the same.

  • CUDA -GPUS Should be set to all.
  • DSR Factors should be off.
  • With Maximum pre rendered frames set this to 1, if you have an older pc you can try setting this to 2 or 3. But if you have a newer PC set this to 1.Multi-Frame Sampled AA set to Off. Open GL set to Auto.
  • Power Management Mode set this to Prefer Maximum Performance.
  • Preferred Refresh rate set it to Highest Available.
  • Shader Cache set to On.
  • Turn on – Texture Filtering – Anisotropic
  • Texture Filtering – Negative LOD Bias set to Allow
  • Texture Filtering – Quality set to High Performance
  • Threaded Optimisation you can set to Auto, however if you play games like PUBG, FORTNIGHT and Battlefield which are quite demanding. You can set this to On.
  • Triple buffering set to Off
  • Vertical sync to Off
  • Last setting Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames set this to the same value as Maximum pre rendered frames.

Once you are done make sure you click Apply. Once you have set this go ahead and click Apply.
Next up go back to the left hand side and click on Adjust desktop colour settings.
Select the Use Nvidia Settings on the right.
Click Apply then click Yes.


Heres a little secret. If you play first person shooters you have just made the colours much better than the default ones by selecting Use Nvidia settings. Also if you scroll down to the Digital vibrance slider its default settings is 50%. If you slide this upto 80% suddenly the dark areas of your game will become much brighter. This will allow you to see your emimenes in game before they see you. This really helped me allot in PUBG.

nvidia control panel
PRO TIP: Use Nvidia settings to control brightness and colour – this helps when spotting enemies.

Best image and colour settings

Click Apply and then go to the Adjust video colour settings.
Next up select the with the Nvidia settings. Click onthe Advanced tab.
In the Dynamic range drop down menu select Full. Next click Apply this should allow you to see better colours when watching videos.

Next go to the Adjust video image settings.
In here you can also use the Nvidia settings and change these however you like. These last two settings only change video and image settings outside of Games and they wont effect Gaming performance.

Another point to mention is, if you update your Nvidia driver, make sure you come back to this video and check that the driver update hasnt reset your Nvidia control panel settings back to defaults. And lastly I get asked allot of questions about customising Windows 10 and AMD settings I will do a few more videos on this topic so do me a favor. Hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

iPhone Battery Drain – Is your iPhone letting you down?

Setup Bedtime on iPhone

Apple Shutting Down iTunes

iPhone Battery Drain – Is your iPhone letting you down?

If you having issues with yor iPhone it could caused by problems with your Battery.
iPhone battery drain Issues you might experience are:

  • Apps are slow to launch
  • Slow frame rates while scrolling
  • Backlight dimming
  • Lower speaker volume
  • Gradual frame rate reductions in some apps
  • Camera flash disabled
  • Apps refreshing in background may require reloading upon launch

If you are having these issues mentioned the next step is to check your battery health and you can do that by going into Settings, Battery, Battery Health.

iPhone battery drain
iPhone Battery Drain – Battery Health

The first thing you need to look at is the Maximum Capacity %. As you can see here on my older iPhone 7 the Maximum Capacity 75%. Well what does that mean?If you compare that with my iPhone 8 which has Maximum Capacity of 100%. It means that every time I charge my iPhone 7 I am only getting a 75% charge of the battery.

iPhone Battery Drain – Check your Maximum Capacity.

So guys go ahead and check what the Maximum Capacity % is on your iPhone right now what number is it set too? I would be interested in knowing. So if my brand new iPhone use to give me 10 hours of battery life on a full charge and I am missing 25% I only get 7.5 hours now instead of 10 hours I use to get.

What do the other messages mean?

Under Peak Performance you will get a series of other messages and they mean different things. The first one is Performance is normal which means just that its normal. Nothing to worry about. The second one is Performance management applied. This means your iPhone shutdown because it couldn’t handle the power needed to perform a function. This management should stop the iPhone from crashing in the future.

The Battery Health unknown message – means that the iPhone can’t talk to the battery for some reason. Could be due to a hardware fault. If you get this take your iPhone into Apple.

Performance management turned off – if you get this message you have turned the Performance management off and your iPhone has crashed. The iPhone will turn this feature back on to stop future shutdowns.

Battery health degraded – This is the error I was getting on my iPhone 7. This means the battery is not as good as it was and it will need replacing to improve the performance and battery life.

Important Battery Message –
This error only Applies to the iPhone X series. It means that the iPhone can’t verify if the battery is genuine. This might be helpful to check if you are buying the iPhone second hand. Otherwise you can take the iPhone to a Apple Authorized service provider.

Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos like Low Power Mode on iPhone. Do me a favor and hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Setup Bedtime on iPhone

Apple Shutting Down iTunes

Setup Bedtime on iPhone

If you want a really nice way to wake up in the mornings you can setup Bedtime on your iPhone.
Bedtime has a slow rising volume alarms that don’t shock you to wake you up.

iPhone Bedtime Setup

To setup bedtime go to Clock and then tap on Bedtime.
Next tap on Set up and then set you Wake up time.
I am going to set my wakeup time for 6:30am. Then tap Next.
Go ahead and choose your alarm. The have some really good alarms let me play a few for you now.

iPhone setup
Setup iPhone Bedtime – Choose your alarm.

Once you have selected your alarm tap next. Set your bedtime, this will play the alarm when its time to go to bed. I am going to set mine for 11:15pm.
And then press next and choose your bedtime schedule days. I don’t want the alarm to wake me on the weekends, so I am going to remove Saturday and Sunday.

Tap next and you are done. Once your in the Bedtime screen if you want to make changes to your schedule tap on your alarm.
In your bedtime schedule you can use the slider wheel to edit your times.

How to turn off Bedtime?

If you want to turn off your bedtime schedule use the toggle switch at the top.
Go back out of bedtime schedule and go into options to see more options.
If you tap on bedtime reminder you can change the ammount of time that the iPhone will remind you.
If you want you can also turn off Track time in Bed and Do Not Disturb During Bedtime.
And lastly you can ajust your Wake Up sound volume. This controls how loud your alarm volume will be.
Tap Done and if you use the health app you can tap Show more in health.

Also guys down forget to check out my other videos like how to setup low power mode on iPhone, Do me a favor and hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Apple Shutting Down iTunes

Low Power Mode on iPhone

Backup Samsung to PC or Mac

Apple Shutting Down iTunes

Hi Guys
I want to show you guys what will happen to your iTunes when Apple upgrade you to the new MacOS Catalina which is due to be released around Monday 23 September 2019. I am getting a few people asking about what will happen to iTunes and their music files. Is Apple shutting down iTunes? Watch the video to find out.

In this video I have added one MP3 file to test with. One video file and a pods cast.
Alright so the version I am currently running is MacOS High Seirra. Version 10.13 and we will upgrade that to MacOS Catalina 10.14.

I am going to do the upgrade with my MacOS Catalina USB installer that I created in a previous video and I will put a link to that video here.

After the upgrade – Shutting down iTunes

Ok the upgrade has finished and now you can see iTunes has been replaced with three new icons. Apple Music, Podcasts and Apple TV.
If you start by opening Apple Music this is where your Music files should now be stored.
If we check for our test MP3 we can see it now shows up under the recently added menu in our Apple Music app.

Next up you can check out the Podcasts app. If you open that you should see your podcasts list. And theres the one we added earlier.

And the last app to check will be your Apple TV app. All your video content will be added here.
And theres our 123myIT video I added.

shutting down itunes
3 new apps Apple Music, Podcasts and Apple TV.

Your probably wondering what about iTunes for Windows users. Well apparently it will stay the same.
Also guys don’t forget t check out my other video, Low power mode on iPhone, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Low Power Mode on iPhone

Backup Samsung to PC or Mac

Enable Window Zoom on iPhone or iPad

Low Power Mode on iPhone

Enable Low Power Mode on your iPhone to extend battery life when you need it.

Hi Guys, have you ever been caught out where you didnt get a full charge on your iPhone and you are not near a charger but you need to get some more battery life out of your iPhone?
Or is the battery on your iPhone not lasting as long as you would like? This seems to always happen when your expecting an important phone call or text message? Low power mode can help!

You can buy a portable battery brick, but you have to charge that as well and you its just another thing to carry.
Or you do another option which is built into your iPhone automatically and its called low power mode.

Step 1 – Enable Low Power Mode on your iPhone

low power mode
You can buy power bricks that allow you to double or tripple your iPhone battery life.

To add low power mode to your Control Centre go into Settings > Control Centre > Customise Controls.

Scroll down until you see Low Power Mode.
Tap on the green plus icon beside Low Power. This will add it to your control centre.
And if you scroll back to the top you should see it there.

Go back out of settings and into your control centre. To access Control Centre just swipe up from the bottom . If you are using an iPhone X you will need to swipe down from top right conrner.

You should now see a new Low Power Mode icon in your control centre. Simply tap it to turn it on and tap it to turn it off.

To remove the Low Power icon from your Control Centre. Go back into Settings > Control Centre > Customise Controls. Tap the red minus icon and tap remove.
Then if you go back out and into your Control Centre, Low Power will be gone.
Another point to remember guys is Low Power will effect some features to make your iPhone last longer.

Also guys down forget to check out my other videos like Enable Windows Zoom on iPhone or iPad.

Backup Samsung to PC or Mac

Make your iPhone iPad speak each word you type

Backup Samsung to PC or Mac

Step by step guild on Backing up your Samsung device.

In this video and article we will show you how to do a backup and restore of your Samsung device to PC.

Have you ever thought about what might happen to your pictures and videos on your Samsung device if you lose or break it? You don’t need to take the risk you can do a backup and restore with the following steps. Also if you are getting pop up ads on your device and want to clean it these steps will help. If you have a Mac You can also backup your Samsung device to a Mac.

Backup Samsung via Smart Switch app

To do the backup we are going to use an application called smart switch. You can find the direct link to the Smart Switch website here.
In the download section scroll down to where it says smart switch and click that link.
That will take you to the Samsung US website. And you can download Smart Switch for Mobile, Mac and Windows.

Backup Samsung
Plug your Samsung into your computer to start the Backup

Click the Windows link and download Smart Switch to your desktop.
Once its downloaded install the Smart Switch app. You will need to agree to the terms and conditions. Plug your Samsung USB into your computer. Tap Allow access on your Samsung Device.

Encrypt your data that you are Backing up

If you want to encrypt the data that you store on your Computer with a password go to more and preferences. Then select the checkbox Encrypt backup data. Next up just click on Backup and it will ask you for a password for your backup. You will need to enter the password on your Samsung device. So go a head and Enter a security code on your Samsung device and then confirm it.
Once its finished doing the back up it will give you a list of items that’s have been backed up successfully and a list of items that it didn’t backup.

Click ok and if you want to know what location your files have been backup in simply go back to More and Preferences. It will be under the Backup folder location.

Wiping the Samsung Device

In the video I am going to reset the Samsung device back to factory defaults. So it will wipe any data on the device and I will restore the data from the backup we just created.
I will do this under settings > General Management > Reset > Factory Reset data. However once the Samsung device has been wiped so just go ahead and set it up like a new phone again.

Plug your Samsung back into your computer with the USB and press restore. You will need to tap allow on you Samsung device again. Press Restore now.
And then you will need to enter the password you setup earlier when you created the backup.

Once your data has finished copying you can disconnect your USB cable. Go ahead and double check all our files have been restored and there they are.

Ok Guys, Don’t forget to check out my other videos.

Enable Window Zoom on iPhone or iPad

Make your iPhone iPad speak each word you type

Clean Install MacOS Catalina on any Mac