Voice Control the most over looked feature of the iPhone.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123, in this video I will show you how to Turn on Voice Control on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Voice Control allows you to control your iOS devices using just your voice. This is helpful if you have your hand full or have limited mobility.
To turn on voice control go into Settings > Accessibility and Voice control.
Set Up Voice Control
Next, Tap on Set Up Voice Control. Voice control might need a small download when setting up, but after that, It doesn’t need an internet connection. Tap continue. In addition, it gives you a short list of commands. So we will go through these in a second. First, I want to show you how you can turn Voice Commands off and on using Siri.
Try some Commands
Ok let try some commands. When Voice Control is turned on
you will see a blue microphone in the top left of the screen.
If you want to go to the home screen, say Go Home. Swipe
Left to swipe left. If you get stuck for commands simply say. If you want to
check out control centre, say Open Control Centre.
Awesome if you want to see other commands you can use just
say, Show Commands. Ok lets take some
pictures. Open camera. If you want to know,
the names of the settings to use say Show names. In addition, to take a picture
just say, Tap Take Picture.
Moreover, if you want to Zoom in just say Show Names to find
the Name. Then Tap Zoom. If you want to lock your screen just say Lock Screen.
Some other commands are, Take screen shot. Turn on Smart invert colours.
10 iPhone settings that you don’t need. Time to turn them off.
Hi guys and welcome to 123, this video I will show you ten iPhone settings that you should turn off straight away. Ok guys these settings I am about to show you will do two things save battery life and save you mobile data. So let us get started.
iPhone Analytics
The first one you should turn off is iPhone analytics. IPhone Analytics sends data to Apple and could be a privacy issue as well. They use these analytics to see how you use your phone so they can improve their services. It also drains your battery life. So to turn it off go into Settings > Privacy > Analytics. Just toggle the button at the top. If you have an Apple watch, it will also turn off the analytics for your Apple watch. Again, this will give you more battery life on your Apple watch as well.
iCloud Analytics
In addition, while you are in there turn off iCloud analytics, which is the same thing as iPhone Analytics accept for iCloud.
Turn off Improve Siri & Dictation. This setting allows Apple to store and review the Audio from your Siri interactions. For me no thanks I want to keep that private.
Significant Locations
Next up turn off Significant Locations.
Significant location tracks everywhere you go this also means it uses your GPS
everywhere you go. This allows Apple to deliver targeted advertising to your
phone. To turn this off go to Settings
> Privacy> Location services > you can toggle it off at the top.
Otherwise if you want to see where you have been go to System Services >
Significant Locations. You can turn it off in here plus see where you have been
and clear history.
System Services – Turn off services that you are not using.
System Services
Turn off everything in System services that are unnecessary. Turn off everything apart from Emergency calls and SOS, find my iPhone and share my location if you use that feature. If suddenly, something does not work come back in here and double check. Otherwise, turn them off. It will save you battery life and data.
While you are in there turn off everything in Product improvement. This allows Apple to use your location to improve maps. Just turn it off.
Limit Ad Tracking
Next, up you want turn on Limit Ad Tracking.
This is one where the naming might be confusing. If you do not have this on
then you are being tracked when you go to websites so that advertisers can
advertise to you. Turn this on under
Privacy and Advertising. If you want to see information that is being used by Apple,
tap the View Ad Information menu. Hit the Reset Advertising Identifier button
and then toggle Limit Ad Tracking on.
Email accounts
Set your email accounts to fetch instead of
Push. What this does is it only goes and gets your email when you open your
email to look. Rather than wasting battery, life constantly checking for new
email. You can also select how often you want to fetch your mail. Every 15 minutes
might be suitable. Just remember the longer you leave this the better your
battery life will be.
Turn off background app refresh. You can find this under iPhone Settings, General. This allows apps to download data in the background even where you are not using them. Turn these off for anything you are not using.
Raise to wake. Turn off save battery life. What this does is when your iPhone screen is blank it turns on when you raise it.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other video such as Forgotten Passcode on iPad, iPhone and iPod. And do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Forgotten your passcode on your iOS device? This video will help.
Forgotten Passcode on iPad?
Hi guys and welcome to 123, in this video I will show you how to remove the passcode from iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. This is helpful if you have Forgotten Passcode on iPad, iPhone or iPod.
Ok guys so have completely forgotten your passcode and you need to remove it from your device. How painful it can be to have Forgotten Passcode on iPad, iPhone or iPod? Apple recommends two ways to remove your passcode. However, this will erase any data on your iPad, iPhone or iPod so I recommend trying to remember you passcode first. Because If you have backed up your device via iCloud or iTunes then you will be able to restore your data and settings after restoring your device.
Check iCloud first
Alright the first way to remove the passcode is if you have added your iPad, iPhone or iPod to iCloud backup and find my iPhone. Once you are on the iCloud.com page login with your Apple ID.
And then click on find iPhone. Click on All devices at the top
and you should see your iPad, iPhone or iPod that you want to restore. If you don’t
see your device there then you will have to fast forward the video to the
second option of restoring your device.
Erase your device with iCloud if you have it added to iCloud.
Here I have my iPhone 11 Pro and I will click Erase iPhone. This will restore your iPad, iPhone or IPod back to factory defaults. But remember that this will also erase any data on the device so be sure you want to do this. Next up enter your Apple ID and password and enter your secret questions. On the Erase iPhone menu click Next and then Done. And you will a message that states your erase has started.
Setup your device as new
Ok go a head now and start setting up your device again from
scratch. Your passcode will be gone now. If your get activation lock you can
enter your Apple ID or click the remove from account button in iCloud then go
back on your device and the activation lock won’t come up once you have removed
the account from iCloud. If you cant get past activation lock. You will need to
take your device to Apple with proof of purchase. Follow the prompts to setup
your iPad, iPhone or iPod. Your Passcode is now gone.
And there you have it you have removed you passcode.
If you haven’t Added your iPad, iPhone or iPod to iCloud
then you will need to restore your device via iTunes. So you will need a
computer with iTunes.
Recovery Mode
You will need to put your device into recovery mode and here’s how to do it for the different models. So for my iPhone 11 I just hold down the side button and plug it into my computer. Once done correctly you should see the restore screen.
But on your computer you iTunes should come up with a restore option. Click Restore and then Restore and update. Click next on software update.
In the top right hand corner of iTunes you should see the
software start to download the new iOS for your iPad, iPhone or iPod. If you
are using Mac OS Catalina the process is the same. Click on Go and then computer. Find your iPad, iPhone or iPod. Click ok and
then hit restore. Again click restore and update. Click Next and Agree and your
software will start to download.
Slow Internet?
If you are on a slow internet connection, your device might restart itself and you will have to put it back in Restore mode again. So once the download has finished it will extract and start to restore your iPad, iPhone or iPod.
You should now see a message that your device has been restored. However your device will restart itself and your passcode will be gone. Just go ahead and setup your device again. Congratulations you now have removed your passcode.
So guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Turn off Turbo Boost to Fix game lag. And do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123, in this video I will show you how to turn off Turbo Boost in the bios.Ok guys about 2 years ago I made a video on how I fixed CPU Game Lag by turning off Turbo boost on a laptop with software. And you can find that video here.
A few of you guys are still having issues, mostly on laptops where your CPU heats up and it start to throttle down to stop itself from over heating.
What you can do is turn off Turbo Boost and this will reduce heat of your CPU, stop the CPU from throtling back and then this should stop your Game from lagging.
On my ASUS laptop the software helped me and allot, but some users couldnt use the software because their CPU wasnt supported. This video should help resolve that issue. Lets get started.
CPU Check – turn off turbo boost
Ok so the first thing to do is check your CPU. We can do this by right clicking the Taskbar and going to Task manager. Once in there if you click on More Details and click the performance tab. Click and highlight CPU and take note of your CPU speed and base speed. As you can see my base speed is 3.6GHz and my actual speed is 4.00GHz. This means I am getting Turbo Boosted from 3.6GHz to 4GHz. So turning this off should drop my speed back to 3.6GHz.
Check your CPU performance first so you can check the bios change.
I know what you are thinking, hey but wont that reduce the computer speed. Kind of yes, but it will reduce heat and may fix your lag. Plus you can turn this back on at anytime. Before I show you how to turn it off, let start up your game that you are having problems with and check what your CPU is doing. In my case its PUBG.
Alright start your game up and press Alt Tab to show your Task Manager and you should see some more activity on your CPU now. For me you can see that it doesnt really go past halfway and actually most of the work is being done by the NVidia GPU which is sitting on 98%. This is a good sign that Turning off Turbo Boost shouldnt effect the game play.
Enter Bios
Ok Restart your PC and tap your bios key to get into bios. For my ASUS mother board the bios button is Delete. However on different brands it could be Escape, F1 or F2 or something different. On some motherboards its F10 if you cant work it out check the manufactures website.
Once you are in your bios it should look something like this. You will need to find your CPU menu. For me its in advanced mode.
Click the Advanced tab and then click the CPU Configuration menu.
Scroll down to and find CPU power management control. You can see that Turbo Mode is Enabled. Just set this to disabled and press F10 to save changes. These steps should be simular for other brands of motherboards.
Test your settings change
Awesome you have made it this far restart windows and go back into Task Manager. Excellent you can see that the CPU speed has dropped down from 4GHz to 3.4GHz. This means that the bios change worked. Start your game back up and test and see if you are still getting the throttling game lag. If this doesnt help you can just go back into the bios and turn Speed boost back on.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other Gaming PC Setup videos like Nvidia Control Panel. And do me a favor hit the Subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Move your data from old iPhone to your new iPhone.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit. This video will show you how to transfer data from your old Phone to your new Phone.
Start the Transfer – Old iPhone to New iPhone
If you have a new Phone you can transfer data by turning it on and placing it beside your old Phone. You should see the Quick Start screen appear on your old Phone. On your old Phone make sure you are logged in with your Apple ID and check that your iOS is 11 or later. Next you should see an animation appear on your new Phone scan it with the rear camera on your old iPhone. If you get prompted for a passcode enter your old iPhone passcode on your new Phone. I didn’t have a passcode on my old Phone so its gone into the activate step.
Quick Transfer window.
Also If you didn’t get the Quick Start screen try restarting your old Phone and make sure you have the WIFI turned on.
Follow the steps to setup Face ID or Touch ID on your new Phone. I am going to set mine up later. Awesome you have made it this far! Hit continue to Start the transfer between your iPhones. This will take a while so now is a good time to plug your iPhones into power.
Logon to your Apple ID account
Next up enter you Apple ID password.
Agree to the terms and conditions. And then follow the next few setup prompts.
Awesome your iPhones are starting to transfer data. Depending on how much data you have this could take some time.
Your Phone will restart and you should see the Restore completed message. Hit continue. Again follow the prompts to setup your new Phone.
Ok you should be all done now. check your new Phone and make sure all your data is there. I am going to check that my pictures have copied across.
Also guys done forget to check out my other videos like Apple Watch series 5 Unboxing and do me a favor hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123, in this video we will show you a first look at the Apple watch series 5. The big news for the series 5 watch is the Always-On retina display. Which allows you to always see the time and watch face. So when the watch is sitting idea or upside down the display will dim which saves energy, but it won’t go completely off which means you can still see everything you need.
The display can refresh as high as 60 hertz and as low as 1 hertz. This is what makes the watch so efficient. Apple says that the battery life will last for 18 hours.
Refresh rate can go as low as 1 Hertz allowing 18 hours of battery life.
Cost and Sizes?
The Apple watch comes two different sizes. 40mm and 44mm. and there are heaps of different colours, cases and bands to choose from. Pricing starts at $399 for the 40mm and $429 for the 44mm in the Aluminium case. Case types are Aluminium Stainless steel, titanium and ceramic. And the wrist band types are Sport Band, Sport Loop, Leather and Stainless steel.
On the outside of the box you will just have the Model Case and band information. And when you open the box you will be greeted with an embossed image of the watch face that you have purchased which is also colour matched to the model you have purchased. The model that we have here is the Series 5 Gold Aluminium Case in the 40mm size with the Pink Sand Sport Band.
So lifting the lid the first thing you will see are all the accessories. The USB wall adapter for charging the watch. And to plug into the adapter you also get the wireless inductive charging puck. Now for this Aluminium model we get a plastic puck, however with the stainless steel model you might get a stainless steel puck. The paper work you get is very basic it shows you a setup guide and how to install the wrist band for the first time.
The last component is the Apple watch itself and its protected by a microfibre pouch. Its coloured matched to the Apple watch and it has the size imprinted on the back. A nice feature about the wrist bands is that they should fit any model. So if you have an older band that you really like you should be able to attach it to the series 5. And if you look on the inside you should see details like the model and serial numbers. Now you can install and remove the wrist bands by pushing a button on the underside of the watch. And you will need to move the band side to side to make sure it has latched on properly. Next up we take a look at the watch band and we have the Pink Sand Sport Band.
Two sizes come with the watch so you should feel comfortable not matter the wrist size.
This is the 40 mm sport band which is the same design as the original Apple watch. Another great thing to mention is that you actually get two band sizes with your Apple watch. As you can see here we have the small medium and a medium large. So that should suit most people.
Attaching the band is as easy as sliding it into the apple watch and you should feel it click into place. In terms of setting up the watch you will need an iPhone to do this and its a fairly simple process. All you have to do is boot up the Apple watch and hold it near your iPhone.
You need an iPhone to pair your Apple watch too.
Once your Apple watch is paired just go through the setup prompts. Underneath the watch in the centre we have a compact optical heart rate sensor which is surrounded by electrodes, this is used to measure your heart rhythm in addition to your pulse. If we go in and start the heart rate app you will see this sensor turn green. You will also find the specs for the apple watch etched into the ceramic bottom and these include details such as LTE, GPS and 50 meters water resistant. On the right hand side you will notice the digital crown has a little round red circle which indicates that this is a cellular model. You also have a microphone pin hole, followed by the side button.
On the left we have a speaker grill which allows better audio for two-way communication and Siri feedback.
Water resistant.
Water resistant to 50 meters.
Also another nice feature for the Apple Watch Series 5 is the watch is water resistant up to 50 meters. You can control your iPhone as well so let say you want to take a photo with your iPhone, simply setup your iPhone and open the camera app. Press the button to take a phone. You also have a three second timer, which gives you three seconds before the photo is taken. Series 5 is the first Apple watch to come with a built in compass. This allows you to see where you are facing in the updated maps app, just like on the iphone and you can add the compass to your watch face to see which direction you are heading.
Safety Apps
You also have safety features such as fall detection, emergency sos and medical id. Every series 5 watch with cellular has international emergency calling. So you can call emergency services in 150 country’s by pressing and holding down the side button. And you don’t need your iPhone to do this.
Noise detection App
Another cool app on the Apple Watch series 5 is the noise detection app which measures the ambient noise levels of whatever environment you’re in and warns you if the sound around you is loud enough to cause hearing loss. Here you can see the sound has gone to high and the watch starts to give a yellow warning. So if you want to change your watch face there are heaps to choose from simply open up face gallery app on your iphone and find the face you like and add it.
Customise !
And these watch faces are configurable. So if you want to customise your complications. Just press and force touch the screen. Tap customise. Just scroll down and you can see here its changing the colours of the compass dial. Swipe across and you will be able to configure different complications. Next up I change it from Analog to digital. Swipe across again and i can change the smaller complications. Lets see Audiobooks, Battery, Breathe I think i will stick with battery. Tap the next complication to edit it. Starts on earth find friends, heart rate. I will stick with heart rate.
And then Just tap twice to return to watch face.
Now to find your notifications just swipe down and can scroll through them. On the side you have the side button. If you press this once it will display a list of recent apps. Again use your digital crown to scroll through them. If you double tap the side button it will activate Apple pay. If you tap and hold you will be able to shut down your Apple watch.
to get to your control centre you can swipe up from the bottom. In your control center you can toggle off or on your WIFI. You also have a cellular button. If you cant find your iPhone you can ping it from your watch. Check your battery and power reserve. You also have do not disturb options. Of corse there is aeroplane mode which turns off all your wireless on your watch.
My thoughts – is the battery life enough?
Is the Apple watch worth it? I don’t know. This is the first experience with the Apple watch and I have to say its a great device that does allot! However I sat it down and left it for a day without any use and when I came back to turn it on the battery was dead. For me personally I feel like the Apple watch should last for at least three days before a charged. Already I am plugging my phone in to charge daily. Do I really want another device which I have to take off and charge after 18 hours?
Also guys dont forget to check out my other videos like iPhone 11 unboxing and do me a favor hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123. In this video, we will show you a first look at the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Silver. While the iPhone 11 has the Pro name. Right off the bat, I am not sure that these models have enough PRO type features.
Apple have focused on four main features for this iPhone. The Display gets a small upgrade. Battery life a big upgrade. Some small design changes and the new Cameras.
iPhone 11 Pro Silver – new features
The design does grow on you. When the pictures came out of those three cameras, they looked awful. However, getting one in your hand and seeing it in person will change your mind. Another great design change is the matt finish on the back. Its such an improvement over the glossy finish. Even if that finish makes the iPhone a little more slippery. I think its worth it.
iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max sizes and price
The iPhone 11 Pro comes in two different sizes. You have the Pro and the Pro Max. The Pro has a 5.8 inch display while the Max has a 6.5 inch display. Starting price for the Pro is $999 USD while the Max will set you back $1099 USD. They come in four different colours. Space Grey, Silver, Midnight Green and Gold. And you have three different capacity’s to choose from 65GB, 256GB and 512GB.
Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max
Inside the box – Accessories
So after lifting the lid the first thing see is the iPhone
11 Pro in Silver with the stunning frosted glass back panel. Normally you would
see some paper work first, but this time you get to see the iPhone right away
along with that new triple camera design.
Other accessories under the iPhone is the Welcome to iPhone
quick guide. Which guides news users on all the buttons on the phone. We also have the sim eject tool. And some
Apple stickers.
Next up we get a set of lighting connected ear pods. In
addition, the BIG news is you get the 18 watt power adapter. This means you can
charge the battery up to 50% in only 30 mins. That’s a massive improvement over
the smaller 5 watts adapters. I have the Australian adapter, however if your
are in the US you can expect to have the US adapter. Lastly, we have a USB C to lighting cable to
support the fast charging.
The iPhone 11 Pro Silver
On the back of the phone you have the three dimensional
machined glass back panel which Apple says this is the strongest glass on any
iPhone. I am not going to test that but, this design does make the camera look
more integrated. Inside the camera bump you will find three cameras with
matching metal rings around the lenses. It is a nice look and it’s hard to tell
if they are uneven or if it just an optical illusion. Don’t forget we still
have wireless charging 7.5 watts.
Three Cameras, Telephoto, Wide & Ultra Wide.
The iPhone Pro is the only iPhone that has a stainless steel frame as you can see from the nice polished finish around the edges. One of the biggest new features is the battery life. Apple have added an extra 5 hours over the 10S which is a massive improvement for the iPhone. However the trade off for that is the phones are thicker and heavier.
On the left side we have the volume up and down and mute
switches. On the right side we have the sleep wake power button and sim tray.
However these button have been moved down slightly to make them easier to
Some improvements on wireless charging, but I still had to move the iPhone around to get it to charge!
There has been some improvement with fast charging, however
you still might need to move the phone around on the wireless charging pad to
get it to charge. On the bottom we have a speaker on one side and microphone on
the other as well as the lighting USB connector in the center.
iPhone 11 Pro Specs
Along the top once again we the earpiece which double as the second part of the stereo speakers. And these speakers sound much louder than the iPhone 10s.These phones do come with new OLED displays and they are 15% more energy efficient. But they are also brighter with 800 nits of Max brightness and can go up to 1200 nits in HDR content.The water resistance has also been improved, its still IP
68, but the depth has been doubled to four meters.
Those Cameras!
Cameras working together
So lets take a look at the all new cameras on the back. The 3 cameras all have 12 megapixels, and the camera in the top left has a F1.8 aperture with a 6 element lens an optical image stabilization. Plus we now get 100% focused pixels which helps improve auto focus in low light conditions.The Telephoto camera has a larger F 2.0 aperture and it let 40% more light into the camera.
The UltraWide camera has an F2.4 aperture and 120 degree field of view. The cameras all work together so there is no flipping between. Ill give you a demo, I start in the Ultra wide then move to Telephoto then the Wide camera. You can use the wheel to toggle up to the 2 x optical zoom, however after that it’s a software zoom. How good is it though you can see all the way down the street!!!
iPhone 11 Pro Camera Zoom
Photo Examples
And the photos come up really nice too here some examples.
Lets not forget about the new 12 megapixel front facing camera with a wide angle lens. Now its able to record 4k video at 60 frames per second plus because it’s a wider lens you don’t need to hold the phone further away to get a selfie. It also now comes with a slow motion feature so if you want to do a slowfie as Apple calls it you can.
This year’s CPU is the A13 Bionic CPU, which is a 2nd
gen 7 nanometer chip and it main focus is energy efficiency. So you should see
a about 20% increase in performance and about 30 to 40% improvement in energy efficiency.
Of course, this improves the battery life which make gaming even better on the
Also guys don’t forget to check my other videos like Transfer data Oppo to iPhone and do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123, in this video we will show you how to Transfer data from Android to iPhone in 2019.
Android to iPhone 2019 – What can you transfer?
This video will help you transfer Contacts, Message history, Camera photos and videos, Web Bookmarks, Mail Accounts, Calendars and Free apps. The first step is to reset your iPhone, if you don’t want to reset your iPhone then you will have to Transfer the data manually. I plan to do some videos on this method so hit subscribe.
Ok you can go into Settings > General and scroll down to reset. Once you are there tap on Erase content and settings. Next tap Erase iPhone. Once your iPhone has reset itself just follow the prompts and start setting it up.
Connect to your WIFI
Next up connect to your WIFI. Make sure that your Android device is connected to the same WIFI. Continue setting up your iPhone until you get to the apps and DATA screen.
Apps & data screen.
Tap move data from Android. Before you hit continue, Go to your Android phone and download the Move to iOS app from the Google Play store.
Tap continue on your iPhone and Continue on your Android device. Agree and hit next. On your Android device type in the code that you see on your iPhone. Your devices should now connect and move to a Transfer data screen. If you get the error message Could not communicate with the device. I have already done a video on how to fix this and I will put a link in the top of the video now.
Select the data you want to Transfer
Alright good job you are on the Transfer data screen just deselect anything you don’t want to transfer and press next. Cool all your data is transferred now, tap continue setting up iPhone. Go ahead and setup your iPhone.
Awesome the last step here is to install your free apps. To do this you will need your Apple id. Just tap use exsiting Apple ID and your iPhone will download all the free apps for you.
If you swipe across you should see all your apps start to appear. Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos like Fix could not communicate with the device error and do me a favour hit subscribe and smash the bell icon.