Copy Data iPhone to Android with iCloud 2020

Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you how to Copy data from iPhone to Android with iCloud 2020. Ok Guys so we are going to copy the data from your iPhone to iCloud and then download that data to your Android device. This will copy data such as Contacts, Messages, Free apps, Photos, Videos and Documents. We will use WIFI so make sure both devices are on WIFI.

This video & article will help you copy data iPhone to Android via iCloud in 2020.
Choose what you can copy.

Also this should with most Android phones, the process will be simular but you might have to work out which copy software to use. Ok let us start.

On your iPhone go into settings scroll to the top and sing into iCloud with your Apple id.

Sign into iCloud – Copy data iPhone to Android

Once you are signed into iCloud the next step is to do a Backup to iCloud. To do this tap iCloud and then scroll to the bottom and tap on iCloud Backup. This is where you would tap backup now to start the backup. However before you do this lets go back and select what we want to backup remember you will be copying this to your Android device.

Ok I am going to go in and turn off anything that I don’t want to backup. Ok once finished there is a few more options to turn off.

Things to turn off before you get started.

You need to turn off Turn off two-factor authentication if you have that turned on. To do this go out of settings and into Safari and browse to Once there sign in with your Apple ID and password. Log into your account tap on Security, then scroll to the bottom, and turn off two-factor authentication. As you can see, I do not have it turned on.

The next step is to Turn off find my iPhone. This is helpful if you want to sell your iPhone afterwards. Go Back into settings, Tap Apple ID and then tap on Find my. Find my iPhone is turn on tap to turn it off. Enter your apple id and then turn it off.

The last step is to Turn off iMessages. This will stop your phone number from being linked to your Apple ID. Tap on find my, tap on Apple ID, tap on Settings. Scroll down and find messages. And then just toggle off iMessages. Go back into settings and back into iCloud again. Tap iCloud. Again go down to iCloud backup. Tap backup now to start the iCloud backup. Depending on how much data you have this might take a while. Head over to your Android device and start up the restore software. This is a Samsung S20 so the software is called Smart switch.

Smart Switch App

You can find it in the menu or if you are on other Android devices look under Settings and then Accounts and Backup or the Backup area of your Android device. Always Tap update.

Tap on Receive data and then Tap iPhone since we want receive the Data from the iPhone. You want to connect wirelessly to iCloud. The backup has finished on the iPhone now so you can close out of it. Tap done to log into your iCloud on your Android device.

Awesome it should now show you a list of data that you can copy across to your Android device. Just deselect anything that you don’t want. Great it will give you other options to copy data to your Android device. Tap next down the bottom. Its give you a warning about turning off iMessage which we already did. And then tap go to the Home screen and check if you data copied across by going into your Android device.

Guys, don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Everything iPhone SE in 3 Minutes. Also do me a favour if you know anyone who might like this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Fix Mac by Resetting NVRAM PRAM

How to join a Zoom Meeting PC & Mac

Everything iPhone SE in 3 Minutes

iPhone SE 2 🙂

Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you everything you need to know about the iPhone SE in three minutes. The iPhone SE is basically an iPhone 8 with the A13 Bionic processor from the iPhone 11. Pricing for the iPhone SE 2 starts at $399 USD and it comes in three different colours, Black, White and Product Red.

What you get inside the box iPhone SE 2

First up in the box you will find the documentation, Quick start guide, SIM card eject tool, Warranty information and Apple stickers. Next you have the iPhone SE itself. Other accessories are Earpods with lighting connector. Lighting USB cable a five watt USB charger which will take 2 hours and 45 minutes to charge to full. Not to forget that the SE supports wireless charging and is IP67 water and dust resistant.

The SE has a 4.7-inch widescreen LCD multi touch retina HD display with IPS technology. It has a 1334 by 750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi. If you compare it with the iPhone 11 Pro on the left, you can see the Pro has allot more screen real-estate on its 5.8-inch OLED display. In reality though they are almost the same body size with the Pro being 6 mm taller and 4 mm wider and only a mm thicker.

iphone se 2
iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone SE 2 side by side.

No Face Unlock, but you get Touch ID.

There is no face unlock just the all too familiar home button which has the Touch ID fingerprint scanner built in. On the front top of the SE we have a 7 megapixel FaceTime HD camera compared with 12 megapixel on the Pro. Both have a F2.2 aperture. On the back of the SE you have a single 12megapixel Wide camera, however the Pro also has a Triple Camera setup which features a Ultra Wide, Wide and Telephoto cameras.

Don’t worry out of the box the SE will still take amazing photos. Here are some comparisons between the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone SE. Can you spot the difference?

On the right side you have Sleep Wake power button and SIM card slot. Looking at the left you have the Ring Silent and Volume up and down buttons. On the bottom you have the lighting connector, microphone and stereo speakers.

A13 Processor

The SE has the same A13 processor as the iPhone 11 Pro and here is the benchmark. Single core and Multi core score are almost the so not allot of difference in terms of performance. A fast processor is important when playing games and videos or when generally moving around the iPhone.

Battery life is the same as the iPhone 8 and you can expect about 27 hours between charges. This will get you about 8 hours or streamed video playback.

Guys, don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Fix Mac by Resetting NVRAM. Also do me a favour if you know anyone who might like this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

How to join a Zoom Meeting PC & Mac

Install Windows 10 on Mac 2020

Fix Mac by Resetting NVRAM PRAM

Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you how to fix your Mac by resetting NVRAM.

Before we get started, what is NVRAM? NVRAM is a small amount of memory that your Mac uses to store certain settings. Therefore, if you are having issues with Sound Volume, Display Resolution, Start-up disk selection, Time zone and Kernel Panic then resetting NVRAM might help. 

Ok to reset the NVRAM you need to hold down Option, Command, P and R buttons on your keyboard as your Mac restarts.

Resetting NVRAM
Hold down the ALT Command and P R keys will help you in resetting NVRAM.

Go up to the Apple menu and restart your Mac now and you see your Mac restarting. Quickly, hold down the Option, Command, P and R buttons. Because you will hear the first Apple chime continue to hold down the Buttons and you should hear a second Apple chime. Great job the NVRAM has been reset now let go of your buttons now.

You can log back into your Mac and hopefully your issues have been resolved! Other helpful reset videos are fix MacBook Air with T2 chip. The T2 chip is that funny looking power button on some of the Mac computers.

Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as How to join a Zoom Meeting. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Install Windows 10 on Mac 2020

Copy Music from Android to iPhone, iPad & iPod

How to join a Zoom Meeting PC & Mac

Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you how to join a Zoom meeting.

If you have been asked to join an online Zoom meeting but have no idea how to do that, do not freak out. This video will show you how to do it.

Guys this video will show you how to Join a Zoom meeting, but I will also be doing a video after this one which shows you how to create a Zoom meeting. So please hit that subscribe button.

Setup Zoom on PC and a Mac

I will show you how to do it on Windows first then Mac later in the video. Ok Let’s get started. Open up a web browser and type in Zoom.US.

That will take you to the official zoom website and you should see the Join a meeting link on the top of the web page. If you click on that it will take you to a Join a Meeting page, where is asks you for a meeting ID. Below that you also have an option of joining a meeting from H.323/SIP room. Don’t worry if this doesn’t make much sense to you just pointing this out so you know where to go if you need to connect to this type of meeting.

Ok let us check the meeting invite details that were emailed to us. So if you have been invited to a meeting you will normally have some meeting details sent to you via email. Here I have a copy of that invite which says 123myit is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Meeting. Topic My meeting and a link which you can use to join a meeting. Go ahead and copy that link and paste it in your browser.

Meeting ID details

Press Enter on your keyboard and the meeting will start. You can also copy and paste the meeting ID directly into the web page or if you have the Zoom app installed you can copy the meeting ID into the Zoom app. And below that you can change your display name. When using the Zoom app you might be prompted for a password copy and paste that to join the meeting.

You might be prompted to download the Zoom app or if you already have it installed you will be prompted to Open Zoom meetings.  You should then see a popup, which says Please wait for the host to start this meeting. As you can see the meeting starts at 12pm but the time now is 11:15am. So we are a bit early. While we are waiting click test Computer Audio. In here you can test to see if your speakers and microphone are working. If you have different speakers and microphones you can change which one you want to use in these settings. For example you might have desktop speaker or headphone.

Join a zoom meeting
Zoom settings important to setup before you start.

Video Settings

If you click on Video you can change you video settings around. So here my webcam is just pointing at my Samsung phone playing a video. If you want you can rotate your video. Under camera if you have more than one camera you can select a different one. Below that you can change the ratio from Widescreen to Original. Enable HD just allows you to up the resolution so that your camera looks less pixelated. Mirror my video flips the video around. This is important if you are reading a book or something and you want to turn the text around the right way for your views to see it. Touch up my appearance makes the video look better.

Virtual Background

Ok click on Virtual background. This allows you to virtually add a background behind you. So if I select the 123myIT logo I can add it behind me. If we untick mirror the logo faces the right way. Note that its not picking up the phone very well. We can fix this by using a green screen. I don’t have a green screen cloth but I can change the LEDs in the background to green. Watch this.

There you go you can see the phone now. Its not perfect but work pretty well on my hand!

Ok the meeting has started. Just select join with computer Audio. The first thing that I recommend doing is turning off your Audio and video in the bottom left until you are ready. Otherwise, you might interrupt the Host if he or she has started speaking. Next up select participants and chat in the bottom, this will allow you to see who is in the meeting and display the group chat if you have a question. 


If your not camera shy you can show your video by pressing the Start video button in the bottom left hand corner along with the Unmute button to start speaking. If someone else is speaking its good practice to mute yourself until you want to talk again. Along the bottom you also have a thumbs up and clap reaction which displays on your video. You also have buttons to share your screen and record.

In the top you have gallery view and speaker view buttons. It just changes the view so you can see more participants if you need too.

If you want to make sure you leave a meeting, click the leave meeting button in the bottom right of the screen.

Join a Zoom Meeting on a Mac

Joining a meeting on the Mac is pretty much the same. Go to in the web browser. Click Join a meeting. Copy and paste your meeting id. If its your first time joining a meeting click download and run Zoom app. Press continue and enter your password to install. Paste your meeting ID and change your name if you want and click join. Copy and paste your password.

Congratulation you have joined a Zoom meeting. All the options will be the same as the first part of this video.

Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Install Windows 10 on a Mac 2020. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Copy Music from Android to iPhone, iPad & iPod

How to Clean & Disinfect your iPhone & Case

Install Windows 10 on Mac 2020

Hi, Guys Welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you how to install Windows 10 on a Mac in 2020.

🔥 Check out the SanDisk USB on Amazon Click here.

🔥 Check out the MacBook Air range on Amazon Click here.

I get allot people asking me. Why would you want to install Windows 10 on a Mac? Moreover, my reply is always. You have nice Apple hardware; why not put the best OS software on that hardware? People, if you disagree leave a comment in the comments section below.

Get Windows 10 for FREE

Ok let us get started. You will need a Mac a USB stick and a copy of Windows 10. To get a FREE copy of Windows 10 you can get it from the website under downloads. However, you will need a Windows computer to download that copy onto your USB drive. In the Downloads section scroll down to where it says Windows 10 Media Creator tool and run that. Select create installation media for another Pc. For language, I select English US, Edition Windows 10 Pro and Architecture 64 bit.

Next we want to select ISO file. This is the Windows 10 file that we will copy to the USB and then from that USB we will copy it to your Macs Desktop.

SanDisk USB C and USB 3

Ok so I have already copied the Windows 10 ISO file to my Macs Desktop from the USB stick. The USB stick I am using is a SanDisk Dual drive USB. It has both USB C and the older USB 3 so I don’t get stuck when using USBs on my new MACs. They are helpful I will leave a link here. Once the Windows 10 ISO file is copied to your Macs desktop. Go ahead an open Boot Camp assistant. Just click on finder and search Boot Camp.

Ok if Boot camp does not select your Windows 10 ISO file Automatically go ahead and select it manually. Mine has detected so all is ok.

Windows 10 on Mac
Partition the Macintosh hard drive to keep both Mac and Windows.

Partition your Macintosh HD

The next step is to Partition your drive so that you can fit Windows 10 onto you Mac. If you are unsure about this just move your slider to halfway. Click install and then your Mac will download the Windows support software. This may take a while so let the Mac do its thing. Next, it will partition the disk and just follow the prompts it will restart.

If everything has gone ok you should see the Windows 10 setup screen. Just go ahead and select the options for Language and Click do not activate Windows now.

Ok select your country and follow the prompts to setup Windows 10.

So setup for personal use, click that and I always just use offline account. However, feel free to setup Windows whatever way you want. Click limited experience and then type in your user name. I just create 123myIT as a user. Add in a password and click next. I always click no and decline. Up to you, what you want to select for Privacy settings I just click no.

Installed Windows 10!

Awesome you have just installed Windows 10 on a Mac. The last step here is to make sure the Boot Camp drivers are installed. It is an important step so do not skip this. Otherwise, things like your sound buttons on your Mac will not work properly.

You should see a Boot Camp Window on your screen just click next and follow the prompts. If you didn’t get this screen go back into your Boot Camp folder on your hard disk and run the boot camp setup.exe file again. If you want to check your drivers are installing properly go into device manager and you should see all the devices install properly.

Sweet that is finished now check your devices and you can do a restart and test if your Sound and Volume buttons work ok.

People do not forget to check out my other videos such as Copy Music from Android to iPhone, iPad and iPod. Please feel free to ask questions in the comments felid below. In addition, can you do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

How to Clean & Disinfect your iPhone & Case

Transfer data Android to iPhone 2020

Copy Music from Android to iPhone, iPad & iPod

Hi Guys welcome to 123myIT! In this video, we will show you how to copy music from Android to iPhone, iPad and even iPod touch.

Guys this is the official way that Apple recommends to transfer you Music from Android to iPhone. However, you will need a computer to copy the music to first. Therefore, it can be a PC or a Mac.

If you need to transfer all your other files such as Contacts, Photos, Videos and Messages. I have already done a video for this and will put a link here.

Getting Started

The first step is to connect your Android device to your computer and find your music. On most devices, you can find these files in Music. On a Mac, you will need to install Android File Transfer, you can find the link on the website under downloads. Once you are on the Downloads page just scroll down to where it says, Android File Transfer. Then click on Download now and install the Android File Transfer software. Drag it across into your Applications folder. Once installed. Click on Go and Applications and open the Android File Transfer software. You might need to tap Allow on your Android device to give the computer access to your music folder. Close your windows and tap on the Android Transfer Software at the bottom of the screen.

Awesome you should now see the complete list of folders on your Android device. Find your music folder and drag it to the Computer desktop.

Unplug your Android

Once your music is copied, you can unplug your Android device you are finished with it now. Next, Plug in your iPhone iPad or iPod. Open up your Apple Music or iTunes. Then drag your Music folder from the Desktop into your Music or iTunes. Once that is done minimise your Music or iTunes app and the click on Go and Computer. Click on your iPhone and click on Pair if you have not done this already. Next click on the Music tab and put a tick in Sync music, then you can select Entire music library or you can do selected Albums. Once you are finished just click Apply, then go back into your iPhone and click Sync.

Cool, unplug your iPhone and check if your music copied across.

This video & article will show you how to copy music from Anrdoit to iPhone, iPad & iPod. This is helpful if you want to move data from Android to iPhone.
Using a PC to store and copy the Music.

Copying the Music on PC

The process is the same on PC but you will need to download iTunes. Open up the Android device in Windows explorer and copy the music folder to your Computer Desktop. To download iTunes you can Google it or I have put a direct link on the website under Downloads. Just scroll down to where is says iTunes download.

Once installed you can open it up and remove your Android device. Plug in your iPhone and tap Trust. Drag your Music folder from the Desktop into your iTunes app. In iTunes click on your iPhone then select Music and again you will have the options to choose Entire music library or Selected Playlists. Once done click Apply then click Sync. Go ahead, remove your iPhone now, and check the Music has copied across.

Guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as how to clean and disinfect your iPhone. In addition, if you liked this video can you do me a favour and share it with someone who might need to know how to transfer his or her music. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Transfer data Android to iPhone 2020

Samsung S20 + Unboxing Firstlook Zooming Awesome!

How to Clean & Disinfect your iPhone & Case

Hi Guys Welcome to 123myIT.

Let me ask you this, when was the last time you cleaned and disinfect your iPhone? If your answer is never or rarely then now is probably a good time to start.

Apple has just recently updated their website on  what you can do to clean or disinfect your device. So I wanted to show you guys how to do that.

Disinfect your iPhone

To disinfect your device Apple says you can use a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfectant Wipes. They also recommend warm soapy water and apply these with a soft lint free micro fibre cloth.

Disinfect your iPhone
Disinfect your iPhone

I would recommend warm soapy water over the a disinfectant alcohol for three reasons. The first reason is you don’t know what chemicals are in the wipes so do you research especially if you have Asthma. Seriously, it only takes a Google search to find out. Second, those chemicals could burn certain parts of your phone and the last reason wipes are just not good for the environment.

If you don’t have soap then warm clean water is the next best option and if you don’t have a microfiber cloth any lint free soft cloth will do.

Don’t press hard on your phone when cleaning

Now to clean your phone if you have a case just remove it. Here I have an iPhone case from Element I will put a product link in the description below. I will show you how to disinfect and clean your case as well.

When cleaning your device what you don’t want to do is wipe to hard or excessively. Use a soft lint free cloth. Don’t use paper towels. Make sure your device is unplugged from any cables and don’t use sprays or anything that can get into the ports.

Alright so just take your disinfectant wipe an gently wipe the device over. You just need to apply enough so its moist not wet. And you should be able to see that moisture that I have applied on the screen and cameras. Make sure you lightly do the sides of the device as well. If I turn the screen off you should be able to see the disinfectant on the screen.

Ok once you’re finished just sit your device down for 4 to 5 mins. This will give the disinfectant some time to dry and kill any Viruses or Bacteria on your phone.

Soapy warm water – Disinfect your iPhone

If you have soapy warm water and a cloth the process is the same again just apply some soapy warm water to your cloth and start wiping your device over. Again you should see that the phone is moist not wet and you should make sure you do the back and sides as well.

If you have lint or dust in the power, speaker, camera or ear piece ports you can very gently try to clean these with the SIM eject tool or a paper clip. Just be very careful not to touch or put any force on the inside of the ports. Very gently dislodge the lint or dust and then you can use a moist cotton tip to help remove the dust from the port.

The process is the same for your case. However, be careful when use alcohol wipes on your case, as some cases might not like the Alcohol wipes. I suggest just spot testing the alcohol wipes first in a part of the case you won’t see. If it works fine just wipe your case over the same way you did with your phone. With soapy warm water you should be fine to use it on your case. No issues there. Don’t forget you can use the SIM eject tool and cotton tips to get into the harder places. Once disinfected put your case down for 4 mins to dry.

Cover your phone with plastic sleve

The last idea I had might seem extreme. However, if you are working in an extreme environment like a health care worker, it might be helpful. If you are going into an area where you know there might be the potential for infection you could also try putting your phone in an airtight zip lock back. So disinfect your phone first. Once its dry pop it inside a zip lock back and seal it up. You can still use the device from inside the bag. Then when you leave the hospital or infected zone you can remove it from the bag. If you are in this situation, it might be a good idea to disinfect the device again after you remove the bag.

Guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Transfer data from Android to iPhone in 2020. And if you have any other tips on phone cleaning leave them in the comments section below. Also can you do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Samsung S20 + Unboxing Firstlook Zooming Awesome!

Fix MacBook Air T2 Chip by resetting SMC

Transfer data Android to iPhone 2020

Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit. In this video, we will show you how to transfer data from Android to iPhone in 2020. This video is the official way Apple recommends to transfer your data from Android to iPhone. We will help you transfer contacts, message history, camera photos and videos. Web bookmarks, mail accounts, calendars and free apps.

The first step is to reset your iPhone. If you don’t want to reset your iPhone then you will need to transfer the data manually.

Erase your iPhone – android to iphone 2020

Go into settings > General and scroll down to reset. Once you are there tap on Erase Content and settings.  Next Tap Erase iPhone. This will delete all media and data so do a backup first if you need too.

Once your iPhone has reset itself. Just follow the prompts and start setting it up again.

Next up connect to your WIFI and make sure your Android device is connected to the same WIFI.

Download the App – Move to iOS

Continue setting up your iPhone until you get to the Apps and data screen. Once you’re on the Apps and data screen. Tap move data from Android. Before you hit continue, go to your Android phone and download the move to iOS app from the Google play store.

I have already downloaded it therefore, I am going to press open. Tap continue, agree and then next.

Could not communicate error?

Tap continue on your iPhone and on your Android device type in the code that you see on your iPhone. If you get the error message could not communicate with the device. I have already done a video on how to fix this. Link here.

android to iphone 2020
Android to iphone 2020 – Select what you want to transfer.

Ok great you are on the transfer data screen just deselect anything you don’t want to transfer and press next. Cool your data is transferred now. Tap done on your Android phone and you can close the app. On your iPhone tap, continue setting up iPhone. Go ahead and set up your iPhone.

Awesome the last step here is to install your free apps. To do this you will need your Apple iD. Just tap add apps and then tap use existing apple id. And your iPhone will download all your free apps for you.

If you swipe across you should see all your apps start to appear. You can also check if your if you photos messages and video copied across.

Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as fix could not communicate with the device error and do me a favor hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.

Samsung S20 + Unboxing Firstlook Zooming Awesome!

Fix MacBook Air T2 Chip by resetting SMC