Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit, in this video we will show you, how to schedule Do Not Disturb on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. So let’s say you have to do some study or you just want to concentrate on something without interruptions. Scheduling Do Not Disturb will silence calls and notifications during a period that suits you.
Setting Up – Schedule Do Not Disturb
Let us take a look. Go into Settings and tap on Do Not Disturb. Go ahead and toggle on the scheduled button. Tap on the Times and you can use the dial to change the Start and End times. I am going to change mine to 9am to 10am. So this means I won’t receive any calls or notifications from my phone during this time. Just tap back when you are done.
Schedule Do Not Disturb – Quite hours
Next, up just tap always so you don’t get alerts while you are using your device.
If you need to see your alerts and the Do Not Disturb is on you can still check them in the Notifications centre. Nope no notifications for me! Time to Study now I guess.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this video. Please feel free to leave some feedback on any of the articles on 123myIT. We are here to help you where we can with your IT related issues.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as iPhone 11 Pro vs Samsung S20+ Battery Test. And do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit, in this video we will show you, which phone, has the best battery life out of the iPhone 11 Pro vs the Samsung S20+.
iPhone 11 pro vs Samsung Battery Results
And the results might surprise you. It seems Apple might have been lying to you when they said the iPhone 11 Pro has Video playback streaming of up to 11 hours. Well in our test of YouTube streaming the iPhone 11 Pro only lasted for 8 hours 17 mins. Which is a long way short of the 11 hours that Apple suggested on their website. With the Samsung S20+ still on 26% of battery life and was the clear winner in this test. Which is pretty amazing when you consider the Samsung has a bigger screen than the iPhone 11 Pro.
The last few mins of the streaming battery test.
Battery Sizes
The battery’s in each phone are different sizes. With the iPhone 11 Pro being lithium-Ion 3046 mAh battery and the Samsung s20+ having a lithium polymer 4500 mAh battery. This means the Samsung’s battery is bigger. Therefore, you would expect the Samsung to win. However, I guess, the take home in this test is the information on the Apple website could be seen and misleading. Since in our test it fell short about 2 and a half hours worth.
But, how would you ever know unless you had a YouTube channel like 123myIT to tell you.
Guys please feel free to let me know any other video or articles you would want me to take a look at. I am always looking for great feedback.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming. And do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit, in this video we will show you how to Optimize Windows 10 For GAMING & Performance in 2020.
Ok people you can expect this video to help you get the very best performance for gaming and general system speed. Optimize Windows 10, will help reduce start up times, reduce latency, get rid of stutter, lag, and decrease the time it takes to load programs. In addition, if you can if you find this video helpful please share it with and friend’s family or anyone who you might think this video will help. And as always do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon. Let’s get started.
Keep Windows 10 up to date – Optimize Windows 10
In my opinion one of the most important things you can do increase the performance of Windows 10 is make sure it’s up to date and the version is at least 1903 or higher and I will explain why. To check which version of Windows 10 you have go to start run and type winver.
This will bring up the version of Windows 10 that you are using. As you can see here my version if 1903. Now to update your Windows go to Start, Settings and click update and security. Once in here click on Download or update. As you can see here, I’m not fully up to date. Now let me explain why the version 1903 is important. 1903 version fixes speed issues with some CPUs to do with meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. If you want more info Go here. Otherwise 1903 or later means you get a performance fix for some CPUs.
Creating a Restore Point – Before you start
Before we make any more changes, let’s go ahead and create a restore point. This will let you revert Windows back to the way it is now. In the case of making a change and you do not know what you did you can revert to a restore point. Go to Start and type system restore. Click your C drive and Configure. Make sure there is a dot in turn on system protection. Set the slider bar to 5%. Click Apply and then ok. Create then type a name for the restore. Click create close and then OK.
Next update your drivers right click Start and go to device manager. Look in here for any yellow exclamation marks! Windows 10 is pretty good at finding a driver so right click any driver that has a exclamation mark and click update driver and then just follow the prompts. Now if you have an NVidia graphics card I always update the driver in GeForce Experience. As you can see, mine needs updating so just click download to start it.
Turning off Overlays if you don’t need them
Also while we are in here let’s talk about Overlays. If you go to your cog you will see this in game overlay button. If you are struggling with your FPS then turn this off it’s a guaranteed extra 10 or more frames. An actually while you are at it turn off overlay in discord and steam.
In discord go to User Settings cog and click on Overlay. Make sure that in-game overlay is turned off. To turn it off in Steam go to the Steam menu then click settings. Click on the In-Game menu and take the tick out of Enable Steam Overlay. Click Ok and you are good to go.
Next we want to check the NVidia Control Panel. Right click the desktop and click NVidia Control Panel. You can also find it in the bottom right hand corner. Click Adjust image settings with preview and then put a dot in Use my preference emphasizing and drag your slider bar to performance. If you want to know more about the NVIDIA control panel, I have already done a video and will leave a link below.
High Performance Mode
Set your computer to High performance or Ultimate performance power setting. Go to Start and type power then click Power & Sleep settings. I always just turn off display after 15 mins and set the sleep to never. Then click additional power settings. Set your computer to High performance. Just remember if you are on a laptop it will chew up a bit more power. So come in here and change it back if when you are finished gaming. If you want to try, Ultimate power settings go to start type cmd and press enter.
Copy the code from the description below and you should see it enable the Ultimate power mode. To turn it on click Start type power and click and then click power and sleep settings. Then click additional power settings. And there you go Ultimate Performance. This should give you some better performance and increased frames. You can click change power settings and make some changes in there if you wish.
Use a network cable instead of WIFI
If you are gaming on laptop always, make sure you have your power cable and Ethernet plugged in. If you do not have your power plugged in the laptop will run at half speed to conserve battery power.
Using a network cable can reduce network lag
And I will show you why you should never play games on WIFI. I am connected on WIFI at the moment if I open a command prompt and ping my local router lets see the speed I get on WIFI. Ok every ping is above 1 MS or more and there’s a spike 12 MS. And some more spikes 36 to 45 MS. Now let me disconnect WIFI and plug in a network cable, watch what happens. Check it out all ping goes to less than 1ms. So let’s put this in perspective. Why bother spending huge money on a laptop or a .5 MS gaming monitor if you are going loose those gains by playing over WIFI. It drives me crazy when gamers do this and then wonder why they are having issues.
Disable programs that you are not using
Disable Start programs stops programs running in the background and will give you some extra performance. Right click taskbar, click Task Manager. Click more details and Start-up tab. In here you will have programs that start up when start your computer. Right click to disable any that you do not need. For me I am going to disable this Logitech downloader. Other good ones are Skype and OneDrive.
Uninstall Apps that you are not Using
Uninstall any apps that are not needed. Go to Start settings and click Apps. Find any apps you do not need click on it and then click uninstall.
Turn Off Windows Indexing
Next, we are going to turn off Windows indexing. Moreover, there is some times to turn this off and times to keep this on. Optimize Windows 10.
Good CPU and a standard hard drive = Keep indexing on
Slow CPU and any hard drive = Turn indexing off
Any CPU with an SSD = Turn indexing off
Otherwise click This PC, right click your hard drive, and go to properties. Down the bottom you should see allow files on this drive to have contents indexed. Take the tick out click apply and then ok. It will take some time to do this once that has done just click ok.
Turn off other Windows Settings
Next, up we are going to turn off all the little windows settings that run in the background and take up system resources. There is actually allot of these so I am going to go through them as quick as I can. Just turn off anything you do not need is the rule of thumb here. Optimize Windows 10.
Go to start settings System. Turn off any Notifications you do not need.
Go into Focus assist and make sure it’s off.
Turn off user access control. I just find this an annoying popup. So if you are not bothered go to the
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Setup Windows Hello Fingerprint. And do me a favour hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you how to setup Windows Hello Fingerprint.
If you do not know what Windows Hello Fingerprint is, it’s the little button on your Windows computer that allows you to log in to your computer without typing a password. So your fingerprint becomes the password. Let get started.
If you click on Start then go to Settings. In addition, click on accounts and go to sign in options.
Options and Setup Windows hello
Then go to where it says windows hello fingerprint. Now I have already setup my fingerprint. So I am going to click remove and then click setup to create a new one. Next you click on Get started. Now it may ask you to setup a PIN. Go ahead and type one in. Otherwise, if you do not know your PIN you can click Forgot my PIN.
Ok go ahead and start tapping your finger on the fingerprint sensor. Remember to move it around a little bit, so it picks up your finger at any angle. Click next and then tap your finger again a second time. Awesome you are all set now time to test it to make sure it works.
Lock your computer and then unlock it with your fingerprint. Sweet its working!
Guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as HP ProBook 430 G7 in three minutes. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you everything you need to know about the HP ProBook 430 G7 in three minutes.
HP ProBook 430 G7 Overview
The design of the ProBook 430 G7 is the same as the previous model the HP ProBook 430 G6. I did a review on the G6 and you can compare the two by using the link above. Personally, I think that HP have the design of the G6 and G7 right so this is probably why they have not changed it.
Pricing for the G7 starts at $792 USD for the Intel i3 CPU and goes up to $1118 USD for the i7 CPU.
Battery Life
In the box, you will get a black HP laptop bag. Warranty and setup documentation. Along with a 45 watt power adapter. The laptop uses around 31 watts of power, which is good. However, the battery life is not so great and will last around seven hours and take almost two hours to fully charge.
Next you will have the Hp ProBook G7 itself. The G7 comes with a 13.3 inch LED SVA Anti-Glare HD Display. With a resolution of 1366×768 and 220 nit of brightness. It is a TN Panel and while movies look ok you can configure the laptop with a higher res IPS panel when you buy it. However, the response time is not great so it not designed as a gaming laptop.
Will it run FortNite
Out of the box, though I was able to get FortNite to run ok on giving up about 35 to 50 Frames per second. This would be mostly due to the Intel quad core i5 Comet Lake CPU and 8gb of ram as the Intel 620 GPU has no memory and is kind of old now.
HP ProBook 430 G7 Runs FortNite
Finger Print Scanner and G7 Hardware
The G7 does also have a finger print scanner, which allows you to unlock Windows with a touch of the button. Along the top, you will find a integrated HD 720pwebcam with dual microphone and indicator light. One of the cool things about the G7 design is you can close the camera off with a sliding button. On the right side, you have the charging port, USB C port. RJ45 Ethernet, HDMI port, USB 3 port and Audio combo.
You also have an indicator light to show when the laptop is being charged. The USB C doubles as a display port so if you have a USB C to HDMI adapter you can plug in an external display. On the left, you have a Kensington lock, USB 3 and SD card reader. The SD card sits flush in the laptop so you can use this port to upgrade the storage without opening the case.
The ProBook 430 G7 speakers are pretty good. They are not too loud and missing some base, but otherwise sound pretty good. The Trackpad is nice and wide but I do find myself right clicking allot. Because to left click you need to press on the left side of the Trackpad.
The keyboard is a delight to type on and does not bend when typing. The keys are also backlit and have off, on bright and brighter setting. The overall build feels like good quality and display hinge folds all the way back 180 degrees. You can also upgrade the G7 by removing the screws from the bottom cover. The system supports 32gb of RAM. So you can upgrade that along with a spot to add another SSD if you want. The WIFI has also been upgraded to WIFI 6.
Here’s the Geekbench CPU score and the GPU score. If you are looking for a gaming laptop then you are better off looking for a laptop with the NVidia MX GPU. However if you are after a light cheapish laptop to browse the web and check email then the G7 is a good option.
Guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Transfer data Android to Android 2020. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit. In this video, we will show you how to Transfer data from Android to Android in 2020. Ok Guys If you are transferring data from any Android device to Samsung then you will be able to transfer Calls, Contacts, Messages, Calendar, Apps, Photos, Videos, Music and Documents. IF you transferred from Samsung to other devices, you will be able to transfer Contacts, Calendar, Photos and Videos.
Getting Started – Transfer Data Android
First up we are going to transfer data from my Oppo Phone to my Samsung phone and we are going to use an app called Smart Switch. Most Samsung phones will have the smart switch app already installed under Settings > Accounts and backup. But if you cant find it on your device you can download it from the Google play store.
I already have it installed so I am going to tap open and do the same on your other Android device. Tap agree and then allow. This will give the phone access to your files so it can transfer the data. Tap lets go and then tap Wireless. Make sure both devices are on the same WIFI network. Tap receive data, Tap from Android and then tap Wireless.
Get Connected Moving your data on Android
If all is going well you should see a pop up to allow access on your other phone. Just tap accept or allow. Your devices should then work out what data it can copy across. Alright choose what to bring, just deselect anything you don’t want to copy across. If you scroll down you should also get an SD card option.
Select what you want to Transfer
I am going to deselect everything and only copy across my Calls and Contacts. Once you are done tap transfer. Awesome all your stuff is copied across now. Alright lets go back the other way now. We are going to use an app called Copy my Data. You can download it from the Google play Store. I have already downloaded it so I will just start the app. Download and start the app on your other device. Tap next on both devices. Tap to or from another device over WIFI. Select your device then select copy data to selected devices. Add in the pin number. Then tap next. Deselect any of your data you don’t want to copy across. I just want my calendar and then tap next. Just tap allow on your other device. Congratulation you have just copied your data between two Android devices.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such Change Bixby side button on Samsung. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi guys and welcome to 123myIT. In this video, we will show you to change the function of the side button on your Samsung Galaxy S20. Helpful if you want to change Bixby side button.
If you are annoyed, with the side being set to Bixby then this video will help you change it. By default the side button on your Samsung S20 and other models is set to Bixby. So lets change it.
How to change it? – change Bixby side button
To change Bixby side button go into Settings and scroll down to advanced features. And tap side key up the top. These are your side key settings. If you want to be able to double press the side key you can turn it off by toggling the button at the top. Otherwise if its turns on you have the option of Quick launch, camera, Open Bixby and Open app. Open app can be pretty handy if you want to choose an app to quick launch. For example Google Chrome to start web browsing. If you look below that you have the Press and hold menu. This is where you can change that annoying Bixby button, as you can see I have changed mine already from Bixby to Power off Menu.
The Bixby side button options.
Side button defaults
However by default yours will be set to Wake Bixby so tap Power off Menu instead and let go ahead and test it. There you go it works now. The side button has now been set back to a Power Off button.
Let try setting Google Chrome on the double press option. Awesome that works as well! Ok if you want to set it back to Bixby here’s how.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such as Make your phone number private on Android. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.
Hi Guys and welcome to 123myit. In this video we will show you how to make your phone number private on Android in 2020. Ok Guys if you want to call someone’s phone but you don’t want your number to display on their phone then this video will help. There is a few ways you can hide your number so let’s get started.
If you just want to hide your number on a single call. The you can dial a prefix before your dial then number. So for example my prefix in Australia is #31# and then the phone number I am calling. Remember this is for a single call so you would have to type your prefix every time. As always test this to another phone before you make that important call.
Prefix to hide your numbers.
Make your number Private on Android
If you want to make your phone private on all calls then tap on phone and then tap the three dots. If you don’t have the three dots. Just go into the Settings Then Call Settings on your Phone. On my Samsung I tap on Supplementary services and then show caller id and then hide number. Other Android phones might be different. You might have Operator’s Call Settings, Additional Settings, and Owner number. If you can’t find it there then try one of these other locations for different Android phones. Ok before we call that crazy person lets test it to another phone to make sure its hidden.
Please always test the number before calling. Don’ take my word for it. Type *67. This code will work with virtually any North American provider.
Numbers to use – Test them first ! 🙂
*67 – United States (except AT&T), Canada (landline), New Zealand (Vodafone phones) #31# – United States (AT&T phones), Australia (mobile)[3], Albania, Argentina (mobile), Bulgaria (mobile), Denmark, Canada (mobile), France, Germany (some mobile providers), Greece (mobile), India (only after network unlock), Israel (mobile), Italy (mobile), Netherlands (KPN phones), South Africa (mobile), Spain (mobile), Sweden, Switzerland (mobile)
*31# – Argentina (landline), Germany, Switzerland (landline) 1831 – Australia (landline)[4] 3651 – France (landline)
*31* – Greece (landline), Iceland, Netherlands (most carriers), Romania, South Africa (Telkom phones) 133 – Hong Kong
*43 – Israel (landline)
*67# – Italy (landline) 184 – Japan 0197 – New Zealand (Telecom or Spark phones) 1167 – Rotary phones in North America
*9# – Nepal (NTC prepaid/postpaid phones only)
*32# – Pakistan (PTCL phones)
*23 or *23# – South Korea 067 – Spain (landline) 141 – United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland If your phone is on a GSM network (e.g., most Androids), you can always dial #31# to block your caller ID.
Awesome its working your number is coming up as No Caller ID or it will Show as private number.
Also guys don’t forget to check out my other videos such Copy Data iPhone to Android with iCloud 2020. And do me a favour if you know anyone who might need this video please share it will them, hit the subscribe button and smash the bell icon.